On Thursday we were visited by Elder and Sister Walker who gave us further training in our role as senior missionaries. Besides enjoying our time with someone from home, we now better understand what it is we should be doing. That has got to be a benefit, right?
Our Next opportunity to learn took us to Muncie for a Multi-Zone Conference. Elder Perkins of the Seventy was conducting a tour of the mission. The instruction given by Elder and Sister Perkins and President and Sister Porter was very valuable.

Our party was the Branch Christmas Party. Again, the meal was delicious and abundant. Our sisters really know how to cook! We played games (Minute to Win It) and even had a visit from Santa. The woman pictured is our Relief Society President, Jackie Martin. The gentleman is our Branch President, Tom Robison. We had about 50 attend and, to our joy, several were the less actives we and the Elders have been working with. It truly brought joy to our hearts to see them there and being so well embraced by the Branch members.
I always enjoyed Zone Conferences.